
Wednesday, October 31, 2012


It just occurred to me that I hadn't posted in quite awhile.  It is really amazing how quickly the school year gets going, and how little spare time you can find while balancing work, home, and all of the other unexpected events that pop up. 

This got me thinking... If I do not stop and take the time to post a simple blog entry, how do our students create the time for all of the homework they are assigned.  I have recently met 1 on 1 with many of my students and in most of the cases in which a student told me that they have below an 'A' in a class, the response they gave me as to why revolved around "homework." 

Whether it was that they simply didn't do it, didn't get it all the way done, lost it, didn't have time,  or in a few cases "didn't understand it once I got home," homework was clearly the number 1 response/ excuse for the bad grade. 

I do not know any further details than what I received from a 6th grader, but I am hoping that those homework assignments were intended to further learning, not just to give a student more work because "homework" is something we've always done.  My wish for the students is that they carve out more time for their studies, just as my wish for myself is to carve out a bit more time for reflection and sharing through this blog.  My wish for teachers everywhere is to be certain that the homework assigned is well thought out and meaningful, and that there is adequate follow-up with each student to be sure that the intended goals were met. 

Take care,
Coach Mo